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Hampton Roads portrait and wedding photographer with over 4 years of professional experience. Areas of expertise include; senior and family portraits, commercial, special event, and wedding photography




2019   A.A.A. Tidewater Community College (Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S.A.)          

                       Specialization in Studio Arts: Photographic Media Arts 


2019                Advanced Digital Photography 

                       Alison Online Education (U.S.A.)


2019                KJ Consistency Course

                       Katelyn James Photography (U.S.A)




2017-2019      Assistant Wedding Photographer

                       Kay Dee Lane Photography (Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.)

Provided assistance to photographer in all aspects such as communicating with clients, organizing equipment, and readily supplying needed tools. Also responsible for set up camera equipment quickly and correctly, photographing all happenings throughout the event, challenge and introduce new and innovative methods of creative ideas.




2018 - 2019 – Student Art League Member (TCC)


2019 Member – Suffolk Art League




Proficient in the use of various editing software systems as well as a number of software programs used in the delivery of photographs. Skilled in the use of both Mac and Windows-based devices as well as Android and Apple mobile computing operating systems.  Capable in the utilization of studio and office aids such as digital projectors, printing equipment, web 

conferencing. Also proficient in the use of Adobe software such as; Photoshop, Lightroom, Bridge, Illustrator, Premier Pro, and InDesign. Skilled in the use of Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, Outlook, and OneNote. Skilled in photo delivery applications such as Drobox and Cloudspot.   




2012                  Best Black and White Photograph Award

                          P. A. G. E Student Art Competition


2012                 Best Photograph Award

                         P. A. G. E Student Art Competition


2017 - 2019      Tidewater Community College

                          Dean’s List 




2019                "Vines"

                         Mail Art Center (Hawkinge, United Kingdom)


2019                “Bridal Portrait”                     

                         Visual Arts Center (Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S.A)


2019                “Sharing Art with Artist”

                          Online Gallery (U.S.A)





2019                New Social Media Images

                        Vintage Tavern (Suffolk, Virginia, U.S.A)


2019                New Menu Rollout Images

                        Riverstone Chophouse (Suffolk, Virginia, U.S.A)                    

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